About Us

What To Expect At Carter Chevrolet

Take the expectations you have of going to a car dealership. Stuffy guys in suits with $50 haircuts. The immediate feeling like you’re the last piece of fried chicken on the plate. The Muzak — oh, the Muzak. Now take those thoughts and throw them right in the trash. Because there’s none of that at Carter Chevrolet, and that’s exactly the way we want it. We’re right down on W Oklahoma Ave in Okarche — if you’re rolling in from out of town, the wind turbines will be your sure sign that you’re getting close. When you hit the main street, you may think to look for a giant, gaudy showroom with huge glass windows and fancy-schmancy modern architecture. Naw.

Carter Chevrolet calls a quaint brick-front building it is home — it kind of looks a bit like a crockpot top, which is appropriate because we’re always cooking up great deals. (And cheesy jokes.) When you walk in, you’re going to see a bunch of guys in shorts hanging out or talking to folks or sitting at desks. Don’t be startled. That’s our team. No suits, no slacks, no pressed shirts. We keep it quite casual because that’s the atmosphere we want to welcome you with. Did we mention that a lot of folks here have beards? Our team is one of the friendliest you’ll find in OK or anywhere else. (That includes Mouse, our cat.)

When you stop in, you’ll meet folks like Trevor, who’s famous for his delicious pretzels, and Grant, our Sales Manager, and unicorn trainer. Everyone here brings a little something different to the table, but we’ve all got a few things in common: We love fried chicken, we love shooting the breeze, and we love Chevrolet. If you’re looking for a car, truck, SUV, or even a big ol’ honking cargo van, we’ll give you all the scoop you’ll need. But don’t go thinking that all you’re going to hear about is Chevrolet when you pay us a visit.

We’ll just as happily talk fishing or football or country music because we prefer to make friends first and sell cars second. That’s just the way we’ve done things since 1973 when Jimmy Carter founded the dealership (No, not that Jimmy Carter). We know it makes us a bit different, but does the world really need another dealership where everyone’s wearing a $150 suit? If you’re looking for a new Chevy, a great used vehicle, or even just a lively conversation and a tasty pretzel, we hope you’ll visit Carter Chevrolet.